Item Marketplace

You can purchase and trade crafted item NFTs
on the marketplace.

There is a 5% platform fee and
the currency token used is $ASTR.

Marketplace Rules 📘

Item Market 🛒


Total Trading Volume: $ASTR
Total Trading Count:

🪧 Recent Activity 🪧


Your Sellings on Market 🎶

Your Items in the House 🌈

Before listing, please approve the Market Contract:

Send Item 🎁

The player can transfer or gift their items directly to another Murasaki-san without using the Marketplace, but they will need to pay a transfer fee to ensure fair gameplay and prevent botting. The transfer fee is subject to adjustment and it may be removed in the future.

Current transfer fee: *** $ASTR /item

Item ID:   
to Murasaki-san:   

Buyback Treasury 🌼

NFT items can be burned for a fixed price at any time on the Buyback Treasury. Buyback prices of each items will increase as the ecosystem grows.

Daycare Service 🏨

By paying the upfront fee, you can register for daycare services and request other players to take care of your Murasaki-san. When taking care of other players' Murasaki-san through daycare services, the caretaker can receive a reward slightly higher than the gas cost incurred.


Your remining daycares: *** cares
Current daycare fee: *** $ASTR /care

Register Daycare:  cares

Unregister Daycare:  cares

Daycare Waiting List 🍰

Take care of Murasaki-san with low satiety/happy and receive a reward.
Current reward: *** $ASTR /care

Batch transaction will save on gas fees:
Caution: When batch transactions are not utilized, the caregiver will end up paying gas fees higher than the reward.


Total Daycare Reward: *** $ASTR
Total Daycare Count: ***